Goals: 6 Ways To Be Inspired To Go For It

 Goals: 6 Ways To Be Inspired To Go For It

Approximately 74,000 fans packed Miami Dolphin's arena on Sunday February 7th 2010 to see the Indianapolis Colts battle the New Orleans Saints for Super Bowl XLIV. In addition to that, millions viewed by television, and on the internet.

These two teams went after a major title in the sports world, but only one came out on top. Both of them did well throughout the regular season but it wasn't necessarily easy as each week they had to fight off opponents.

Now it was one more opponent standing between them and this major goal of becoming champion. Both of them realized that in order to win they had to show up and play their hearts out. I believe as game time drew near coaches and players motivated and encouraged their team by saying "It's Time To Go For It." I'll get back to that in a minute.

I press on toward the goal to win the [supreme and heavenly] prize to which God in Christ Jesus is calling us upward. - Philippians 3:14 (Amplified Bible)

As you embrace the times ahead, God has placed some major goals before you. But are you going to take advantage of the opportunity. From that biblical quote, that word "press" means that you will have opposing forces.

In the midst of opposing forces I tell you "It's time to go for it". If you set it you can get it. Your greatest enemy is not the devil, co-workers, family, or even your boss. I don't regret telling you this but YOU are your greatest enemy. Why do I say that? Because any time God put something in your heart You make up excuses, You procrastinate; You say I'll do it later, You say I can't get no help. Then when You don't perform or get it You blame everybody else.

I want to help you with 6 things that can help you Go for it:

1. Readjust 

There are times when you just have to take another approach and shift, change direction, try another method in order to get the results you need.

2. Reset 

 I'm sure you are familiar with losing power at home which means that you have to reset your clock. This is important if you are going to keep up with the timing of society. Even more important spiritually is to be able to keep up with God's time flow.

3. Reflect 

 look at where you came from. This is what gives you the strength to face the challenges you now face because if God did it before he can do it again.

4. Refocus

 With so many distractions and temptations around you need something that will help you get back on course. There is nothing better than the Word of God.

5. Renew

Yes that same feeling you get after taking a bath or shower. It makes you feel new, clean, fresh and ready to go again. The renewing of your mind is important to get your thinking on the right track.

6. Rejoice

 In order to keep your joy in life you have to celebrate. Life will have many disappointments but you have to stir up the strength and find a reason to rejoice.

Meanwhile back to Super Bowl XLIV, New Orleans Saints first time in and a new opportunity to make history for their city and State. Initially down by 10 points and not being the favored team can be a challenge. You have to love the fighting spirit of this team as they didn't let a slow start stop them. A great team effort from The Who Dat Nation lead by quarterback Drew Brees. So it was the New Orleans Saints that overcame the favored Colts 31 - 17.

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